Saturday, February 23, 2008

Day 30: 2/23/08

Conditions: Groomed snow on top of ice
Location: Boyne Mountain, MI


- Hearing about the Single Track from John.
- Hm…the minute we called it a day and went home?


- We waited for 25 minutes just to buy our lift tickets
- Boyne had rain the previous weekend, so the entire base was ice. They had a few inches throughout the week, but that was scraped off in an hour or so.
- The crowds were ridiculous and the conditions sucked. It was a day filled with everything we hated about Boyne.

Après Ski:

We drove home because we knew we couldn’t take one more day of Boyne bullshit.

Days to go: 20

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Day 29: 2/18/08

Conditions: 4+ inches of fresh, lake effect snow
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- Everything was soft and wonderful
- We saw Lonnie carving through the back country with three ski patrollers
- Steph’s Pro-Bohemia editorial was published in the Daily Mining Gazette


- We had to leave at 1:00pm. As we handed in our key, Lindsey said “you’re leaving early on a powder day?” As if we had a choice…

Après Ski:

The long drive home.

Post script

It dumped for two days after we left. Lindsey kept updating the Bohemia website to say things like “Powder is everywhere. Get up here now!” It was almost like we were being taunted.

Days to go: 21

Day 28: 2/17/08

Day 28

Conditions: Hard pack in the AM, 2 in of fresh in the PM
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- After snowing all morning, the afternoon runs were fantastic
- Rollercoaster (Black Bear) was particularly fun


- The morning was hard packed snow and our joints were feeling it.

Après Ski:

We ate at the Bear Belly Lodge; Steph did some Masters work; we came home and read

Days to go: 22

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Day 27: 2/16/08

Conditions: Packed Powder
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- We heard one of the lift operators respond to a skier with the comment “Well, welcome to the Keweenaw!” For the rest of the day, we came up with theories on what exactly the skier said to generate that response. We concluded that the possibilities were endless and spent the rest of the day coming up with them.
- Lonnie told Steph that out of the 200 letters they received about their recent dispute with the tourism board her letter was the best.
- Dirk got to meet Papa Glieberman


- We decided to get footage of Lonnie getting off the lift. Dirk made a smart-ass comment to him, then realized he was giving two random guys a tour of the mountain.
- We decided to give the Outer Limits another shot. After unstrapping twice and taking a mildly-long hike we concluded that it still sucks on a snowboard.

Après Ski:

We both did some work, made dinner, and watched A Mighty Wind.

Days to go: 23

Day 26: 2/15/08

Conditions: Powder and Packed Powder
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- The double chair had not run all week, so when it finally opened there were plenty of fresh tracks
- Shivering Timbers in the backcountry was a powder stash, as usual.
- We pulled Dirk off the injured reserve after his injury two weeks ago; he did great, but the bruise is still visible.


- Steph decided to go bigger than last week on Ice Fall and fell twice, giving us more great footage for the Love Hurts section of our next video.

Après Ski:

We both did some work, made pasta and watched The Cooler.

Days to go: 24

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day 25: 2/3/08

Conditions: Powder and packed powder
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- We finally got some extreme footage for the video, including Steph’s run down Icefall.
- Finding more fresh tracks on Shivering Timbers.


- Dirk hugged a tree in the backcountry. He hit it so hard that several large limbs fell off the tree (see photo). Ultimately, Dirk hiked out of the backcountry while Steph carried his board for him.
- Because of Dirk’s injury, we quit early
- We realized we are already half way through the season. We began to mentally calculate whether 50 days would actually be possible, then stopped ourselves.

Après Ski:

Dirk iced his injury. We ate and watched the Super Bowl at the Bear Belly Bar and Grill

Day 24: 2/2/08

Conditions: Powder and packed powder
Location: Mount Bohemia, MI


- Surprisingly great conditions
- Finding fresh tracks in the Extreme Backcountry


- Steph’s ankle hurt in the morning; luckily it was nothing that 2 Ibuprofens and 4 Glucosamine tablets couldn’t take care of.
- The conditions were fine, but nothing compared to the epic conditions of a few weeks ago.

Après Ski:

Steph did some Master’s work at the Lock Labelle Lodge. Then we cooked dinner and watched Saw IV.

Days to go: 26