Conditions: Powder and groomed powder
Location: Boyne Mountain, MI
- Experiencing the Pighead breakfast sandwich at La Crema.
- Poaching runs off nosedive and several other “unopened” (but not-exactly closed…) runs.
- Hearing Doug, a ski patroller, admit that he closed Nose dive and being completely unable to bullshit a reason why. The conversation ended with him stating, “Don’t get caught…”
- Hearing some idiot in the lift line enthusiastically exclaim, “That’s as good as Hemlock gets!”
- Watching the same skier fall four or five consecutive times – each fall included the loss of at least one ski.
- Attempting to drive a Subaru Outback through 9 inches of fresh, wet snow on an unplowed road
- Driving home in the fog and rain
- Going to Meijer on the way home
- Steph falling on her way out of the woods and getting laughed at by a 5 year old on the chairlift
Après Ski:
Meijer, cleaning, and preparation for more of the daily grind
Days to go: 46
12 hours ago
I can only imagine how pissed steph was when the 5 year old was laughing at her. hahahhaha