The waiting game.
As quickly as the season began, it may be ending. The incident from Saturday was indeed a torn bicep to Dirk’s left arm. We still have no idea how or why Dirk’s bicep chose to randomly rip away from his elbow on fallen tree run, but it happened. Dirk saw his doctor this morning and was immediately referred to a specialist.
Here’s the good news:
- Dirk is not in incredible pain and was able to ride Sunday
- Dirk still has plenty of movement in his arm, and decent strength
- Bret Favre played through a similar injury…and he’s an NFL quarterback
- Some people don’t even get surgery for an injury like this
Here’s the bad news:
- If Dirk wants surgery, his doctor stated that sooner is better than later because the longer he waits the harder it will be to repair
- The rehab time for surgery is four months
Dirk sees the specialist on Thursday. That’s three days of the world absolutely standing still while our season hangs in balance. To many people this probably sounds crazy. I mean, it’s a snowboarding season…what’s the big deal? All I can say is that we live for this time of year. All the slugging away at meaningless jobs melts away in the sheer flow of a powder day. Snowboarding is happiness; without it a Michigan winter is simply an exercise in seasonal affective disorder.
All we can do right now is sit around and try not to check snow reports, because that epic base that’s building up out west might not do us any good during the February doldrums.
1 day ago
Here's my idea...You could take this opportunity to move out West. If it turns out that Dirk can't board for a while, at least you could use the time to move. I know this is not realistic, but I still think it's a good idea!