Friday, July 9, 2010

Kitty Paradise

Yes, decorating the home is important. But what’s more important? If you have pets, then you know that finding the right home accessories and furniture for your pet just about trumps everything else.

The great thing about our new place is the open floor plan. Most of the action centers around the open kitchen and family room, which is visible from the upstairs and master bedroom. The cats spend a ton of time in this area – Breck and Shakespeare have always followed us around, but we see Kirkwood a lot more with this new layout. She prefers to spend most of her time on the stairs. 

I went to PetSmart intending to buy one cat tree for the main area. Note about cat trees: they are not cheap! If I had any engineering knowledge whatsoever, I know I could build one for about $15 with supplies from the Home Depot. Oh well.

I couldn’t decide on just one, so I went ahead and bought two. One was assembled, and one required some assembly. They both have been a huge hit with the cats - except Shakespeare who is still clearly pissed that he had to move. He pretty much just sits on the couch and/or bed in protest. 

There is just one downside to all these goodies: our living room now has almost as many pieces of kitty furniture as human furniture. We aren't just crazy, closeted cat people anymore - one look at our home and it's obvious we are the ones owned by our cats. 

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