Sunday, June 19, 2011

Pure MIchigan

Almost exactly one year after packing up and heading west, I went back to Michigan to visit some dear friends that I missed terribly.

The visiting madness included a dinner with Dirk’s brother and his family in Kalamazoo, Englishfest with all my former English colleagues, and a Quad party. Dirk also had many client meetings throughout Michigan.

Coming back was a ton of fun, but also eerie. Here’s a list of things I’ve missed and those I can live without.

Things I missed:
-       My friends: We have made some friends here in Utah, but the bonds I have with my Michigan peeps are still much stronger.
-       The MAC: The OAC just doesn’t compare. It was weird to see all the same people doing the same exercises.
-       Midwest sarcasm: Trust me, people outside of Michigan have practically no sense of humor
-       Detroit driving: In Utah, people are somehow timid, aggressive, and inept at the same time. Detroit drivers may be aggressive, but the know what they’re doing
-       Meijer: Nothing compares to it.
-       Racial diversity: I really cannot describe how great it was to walk through Detroit Metro and hear the “Detroit dialect” coming from all different types of people. It makes Utah look like The Stepford Wives.
-       MSU campus: I took a run by the Sparty statue for old times sake and felt an incredible need to tailgate.

Things I can live without:
-       Mountainlessness: I kept looking around for the Wasatch Range, but it was never there.
-       Constant grey skies: I think the sun came out once in four days. Yep, that’s how I remember it.
-       Walmart Wolverines: This type of person is native to Michigan, and was observed in abundance during the trip.
-       My old school: So many memories of being disrespected by both kids and administrators. Ugh.
-       Smokers: It was crazy to see people smoking all over the streets. (And throwing the cigarette butts everywhere except the trash can.) Few people smoke here in Utah – which is probably one reason why our health care is cheaper.

It was great to come back, but after 3 days I had my fill. It was nice to come HOME to good old Utah and the kitties. You never know, we may just have to go back to see a State game this fall. 

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